What Happens to Joint Debts in a Divorce? Please continue reading & contact our dedicated legal team today to learn how joint debts are handled during a New Jersey divorce.
How Can I Get a Fast Divorce? If you're seeking a fast divorce in New Jersey, read this as we explore what you should know about these complex matters.
What Expenses Does Child Support Cover? If you're a parent getting a divorce, please read this to learn what expenses child support can cover in New Jersey.
Why You Shouldn’t Rush Through the Divorce Process? Rushing your divorce is a bad idea as it can lead to poor decision-making, leaving you with an unfair settlement. Read on to learn…
How Should I Tell My Spouse I Want a Postnuptial Agreement? Asking your spouse for a postnuptial agreement can be intimidating. Read this to learn how to approach the conversation for optimal results.
What Happens When a Spouse Violates a Divorce Decree? If your ex-spouse breaches your divorce decree, it is important to understand your legal options. Read on to discover how we can assist you.
How Can I Divorce if I Can’t Locate My Spouse? If you can't locate or serve your spouse in New Jersey, please read this to learn how you can still pursue a divorce.
Can Relocation Affect My Custody Agreement? After divorce, you may consider relocating with your children. Please read this to learn how relocation can impact custody agreements in NJ.
What Should I Expect During Divorce Mediation? When considering divorce mediation in NJ, understanding the different stages is crucial to effectively navigate the process.
Can a Prenuptial Agreement Be Challenged in Court? If a prenuptial agreement is in place, please read this to learn the grounds that warrant challenging the contract in court.
What Are the Legal Rights of a Stepparent in NJ? If you're a stepparent looking to preserve your relationship with your stepkids after a divorce, read this to learn your legal rights.
How Are Military Pensions Divided in a Divorce? Are you going through a military divorce? If so, read this to learn whether military pensions are subject to equitable distribution.
Is It Hard to Get Sole Custody? If you've decided to end your marriage, you may want sole custody of your children. If this is the case, read on to learn…
Who Gets to Keep the Engagement Ring in a Divorce? If you're going through a divorce, please read this to learn whether your engagement ring is subject to equitable distribution.
Can I Stop Pay Alimony if I Lose My Job in NJ? If you have lost your job and can no longer afford to pay alimony, please read this to learn how we can help you…
How Does Divorce Mediation Handle Asset Division? If you're considering divorce mediation in NJ, please read this to learn how assets are handled during this process.
How Can I Arrange Child Custody for Holidays? Following a divorce, holidays are a difficult thing to navigate. As such, read this to learn how to pick the best holiday custody schedule.
Can I Keep My Health Insurance After a NJ Divorce? If you're covered under your spouse's health insurance, please read this to learn how a divorce will affect your coverage.
When Does Child Support End in NJ? If you've been ordered to pay child support in NJ, please read this to learn when this obligation will end.
Is Mediation a Confidential Process in NJ? Did you know mediation is a confidential process in NJ? If not, please read this to learn more about this private process.
What Can I Do if My Ex Doesn’t Drop My Child Off on Time? If your ex continually keeps your child past their allotted custody time, knowing your legal options is crucial. Read on to learn more.
What Constitutes a Valid Postnuptial Agreement in NJ? If you're already married, it's not too late to protect your interests. Read on to learn why you should consider a postnuptial agreement.
Can I Date During the Divorce Process in NJ? If your marriage is over, you may wonder whether you can date before your divorce is final. Read on to learn the potential complications.
What is the Importance of a Divorce Decree? If you wish to end your marriage, it's crucial to understand the importance of a divorce decree. Please read on to learn more.
Can Spousal Support Be Modified in New Jersey? If you're facing a substantial change in circumstances, please read this to learn when you can request a modification to spousal support.
How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take in NJ? If you're considering an uncontested divorce in NJ, it's crucial to know how long it can take to resolve. Read on to learn more.
How Long Do I Have to Be Separated to Get a Divorce? If a divorce is imminent, please read this to learn whether you and your spouse have to be separated for a certain period to…
What is the First Step in the Divorce Process? If a divorce is imminent, please read this & contact our legal team to learn the first step in the divorce process in New…
How Do Courts Determine the Best Interest of a Child? If you're a parent seeking a divorce, read this to learn the factors the court will consider to determine the best interest of your…
Are Agreements Made in Mediation Legally Binding in NJ? If you're considering a divorce in NJ, read this to learn the benefits of mediation and whether the terms are legally binding.
Can I Divorce Someone Who is in Jail? Are you filing for divorce from your spouse who is in jail? If so, read this to learn how we can help you navigate…
How Does Child Support Work for Special Needs Children? If you're navigating child support for children with special needs, please read this to learn how to ensure they receive continuous care.
What Are the Tax Implications of Child Support in NJ? Whether you're required to pay or entitled to receive child support in NJ, read this to understand the tax implications of these payments.
How Long Should I Keep Divorce Records? If you are going through a divorce, please read this to learn the documents you should hold on to after this legal process is…
When Will My Divorce Be Finalized in New Jersey? If you're facing a divorce in New Jersey, read this to learn the factors that can influence the time it takes to finalize this…
Does New Jersey Have Mandatory Mediation for Divorce? If you are going through a divorce, you may be surprised to discover that you may have to participate in mediation. Read on to…
Does New Jersey Offer Permanent Alimony? In the past, spouses could be granted permanent alimony. Please read this to learn whether NJ courts still offer permanent alimony.
Are Assets Split 50/50 in a New Jersey Divorce? Marital property is divided between the parties as part of the divorce process. Read this to learn how NJ courts split the marital estate.
NJ Custody Proceedings: Can Children Express Preference? If you are facing issues pertaining to child custody in NJ, please read this to learn how much weight a child's preference can hold.
Is Child Support Considered Taxable Income in NJ? If you pay or receive child support, please read this to learn if these funds are considered taxable income.
Does Child Support Cover Medical Expenses? If you're entitled to child support, read this to learn whether these funds can be used to cover your child's medical expenses.
Is New Jersey a 50/50 Custody State? Child custody is a life-changing decision. Read this to learn whether New Jersey is a 50/50 custody state.
What Should My Prenuptial Agreement Cover? If you're considering creating a prenuptial agreement, read this to learn what it should include and how we can help ensure it's valid in…
Can I Afford a Divorce? If you're concerned you can't afford to get a divorce, read this to learn how you may be able to limit the costs of…
How is Mediation Different from Collaborative Divorce? Please read this to learn the differences between a collaborative divorce & mediation to determine which may be right for you.
How Does Pet Custody Work in New Jersey? If you are divorcing and concerned about pet custody, read this to learn how we can effectively represent your interests.
Can I Collect Social Security Benefits From My Ex? If you've been married for 10 years, you may be entitled to receive a portion of your ex-spouse's Social Security. Read on to learn…
What Happens if I Don’t Have the Means to Pay Alimony? Have you been ordered to pay alimony? If so, read this to learn what could happen if you fail to uphold this legal obligation.
What is the Best Way to Handle a High-Conflict Custody Battle in New Jersey? If you'e facing a high-conflict custody battle in New Jersey, read this to learn some tips on how you can de-escalate the situation.
What if I Can’t Afford to Pay Child Support in New Jersey? If you can't afford child support in NJ, read this to learn how our legal team can help you avoid harsh penalties.
Proving Substance Abuse in Court for Divorce Cases in New Jersey: What You Should Know? If your spouse has substance abuse issues, read this to learn what evidence can be used to pursue a fault-based divorce.
Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First in New Jersey? If you're considering a divorce, please read this to learn the potential advantages of filing for divorce first in New Jersey.
Can Mediation Help Protect My Finances in a New Jersey Divorce? If you're considering divorce mediation, please read this to learn how this alternative dispute resolution method can benefit your finances.
What Impact Does an Unexpected Financial Windfall Have on Alimony Payments in New Jersey? If you've recently received a financial windfall, read this to learn how this sudden influx of money can influence your alimony payments.
How Are Gifts Divided During a New Jersey Divorce? If you ave gifts you want to consider separate property, read this to learn how we can help you protect your assets during a…
How Does a Parent’s Mental Health Affect Custody Arrangements in New Jersey? If you're struggling with a mental health condition, read this to learn how it may affect the courts custody decision.
Can You Address Alimony in a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a valuable legal tool that can address many issues, including alimony. Read on to learn more.
Can Alimony Be a One-Time Payment in New Jersey? If you've been ordered to pay alimony, read this to learn how we can help you determine if a one-time alimony payment is right…
What Happens if a Parent Fails to Pay Child Support in New Jersey? If you've failed to pay child support, read this to learn about the potential consequences & how our legal team can help protect your…
What Are the Consequences of Not Paying Court-Ordered Alimony in New Jersey? If your ex-spouse refuses to pay or is behind in court-ordered alimony payments, read this to learn about the potential consequences.
What Is a Parenting Plan in a Custody Case in New Jersey? Please read this to learn what you should address in a parenting plan & how our legal team can help preserve your child's best…
Can a Parent Refuse Visitation Without a Court Order? Read this to learn when a custodial parent can deny visitation to a non-custodial parent. Contact our firm to learn how we can help…
What is Joint Custody in New Jersey? If you're separating from your child's other parent, read this to learn how we can help you fight for a joint custody arrangement.
Is Daycare Included in Child Support in New Jersey? Please read this to learn how we can help you navigate issues surrounding daycare being included in your child support award.
How Should I Handle False Allegations During Divorce Proceedings in New Jersey? If your spouse has made false allegations against you, please read this to learn how our legal team can help protect your rights.
Same-Sex Divorce: What Should I Know? If you're seeking a same-sex divorce, read this & contact our legal team to learn the unique challenged you may face.
What will happen if my spouse refuses to sign divorce papers in New Jersey? If your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers, please read this to learn how you can obtain a default judgement.
Do I need to hire an attorney for an uncontested divorce? If you're considering an uncontested divorce, read this to learn the various benefits of having quality legal representation.
What are temporary orders in a New Jersey divorce? If urgent matters must be addressed, read this to learn how temporary divorce orders can resolve your issues before the divorce is finalized.
How Can I Ensure the Best Interests of My Child in a New Jersey Divorce? During a divorce, it's crucial to take the necessary steps to ensure the best interests of your child. Read on to learn more.
How can domestic violence affect alimony in New Jersey? If you're the victim of domestic violence, please read this & contact our firm to learn how this abuse can impact an alimony order.
How Can Grandparents Obtain Visitation Rights in New Jersey? Please read this to learn whether grandparents have visitation rights and how our legal team can help you preserve meaningful relationships.
What should I know before signing a prenuptial agreement in New Jersey? Read this to learn what to consider before signing a prenuptial agreement. Contact us to learn how we can help you protect your future…
Does signing over parental rights stop child support in New Jersey? If your parental rights have been terminated, read this & contact our firm to learn whether you will still have to pay child support.
Do I still have to pay child support if my ex makes more money in New Jersey? If your ex is not fulfilling their child support obligation, read this to learn how we can help you fight for the support you…
How can I protect my business assets in a divorce? If you're a business owner, read this & contact our firm to learn how we can help you safeguard your hard-earned assets in a…
Is mediation an effective way to handle a custody dispute in New Jersey? If you're currently facing a custody battle, read this & contact our firm to learn how mediation can help you resole your disputed issues.
Can I get a divorce if my spouse is financially irresponsible in New Jersey? If you're dealing with a financially irresponsible spouse, read this & contact our firm to learn how we can help you dissolve your marriage.
Can I address child custody in a prenuptial agreement? If you're considering creating a prenuptial agreement, read this to learn whether you can include child custody provisions.
How does a parent’s financial stability impact custody decisions in New Jersey? Read this to learn how our team can help you protect your child's best interests in a custody case impacted by your financial stability.
What to know about the common misconceptions surrounding prenuptial agreements in New Jersey? If you're getting married, read this to learn how we can help you debunk the common misconceptions surrounding prenuptial agreements.
Can I protect my intellectual property during a divorce in New Jersey? If you own intellectual property, read this & contact our legal team to learn how we can help safeguard your rights during property division.
What happens to rental properties during a divorce? This blog explores different options couples should consider when dividing rental properties during a divorce. Please read on to learn more.
How can I ensure the details of my divorce are kept private? Read this & contact our compassionate firm to learn about how you can ensure your divorce is kept private.
What to know about mental health issues & divorce? If you want to divorce a spouse with mental health issues, read this to learn how we can help you file for a fault-based…
How can I get a divorce without going to court in New Jersey? Read this & contact our legal team to learn about the alternative divorce options that allow you to end your marriage without going to…
What unique set of challenges do stay-at-home parents face during a divorce? Are you a stay-at-home parent seeking a divorce? Read this & contact our legal team to learn how we can help you protect your…
Is divorce mediation always appropriate in New Jersey? This blog discusses when divorce mediation is not possible in New Jersey. Please read on and contact our legal team to learn more.
What are the potential benefits of getting a divorce in New Jersey? If your marriage is on the rocks, read this blog to learn about some of the potential benefits of getting a divorce.
What to know about creating a pet custody plan in New Jersey? Are you divorcing with a pet? Read this blog and contact our legal team to learn about the benefits of creating a pet custody…
Do I have to pay child support for my stepchild in New Jersey? This blog explores whether stepparents are liable to pay child support for their stepchild. Read on and contact our legal team to learn more.
Do grandparents have visitation rights in New Jersey? This blog explores whether grandparents have the right to request court-ordered visitation time with their grandchildren.
What documents should I take to my initial consultation with a divorce attorney? Are you seeking a divorce? Read this blog to learn what documents you should bring to your initial consultation with a divorce attorney.
What are the steps in appealing a family law decision in New Jersey? This blog explores what family law matters can be appealed in New Jersey. Read on and contact our legal team to learn more.
What documents should I keep after my divorce? Is a divorce imminent? Read this blog to learn what legal documents should be kept after the divorce is finalized.
What do I do if I’ve been served divorce papers in New Jersey? Have you recently been served divorce papers? Read this blog to learn what steps you should take to set yourself up for a successful…
Who gets to keep the pet after a divorce? This blog explores whether a family pet is subject to equitable distribution in a New Jersey divorce. Read on to learn more.
How can I improve my chances of getting child custody in New Jersey? This blog explores the different steps you can take to improve your chances of obtaining child custody. Please read on to learn more.
How can I rebuild my social life after a divorce? Is divorce imminent? Read this blog to learn the different steps you can take to rebuild your social life after a divorce.
Can I keep gifts in a divorce in New Jersey? This blog explores whether gifts are subject to equitable distribution in a New Jersey divorce. Read on to learn more.